Scout Section - Code of Conduct

Version 1.0 - January 2017

As a member of 7th Banbury Scout Troop, you have been asked to make the Scout Law and Promise and are expected to abide by its principals.


The Scout Law:

  • A Scout is to be Trusted
  • A Scout is to be Loyal
  • A Scout is Friendly and Considerate
  • A Scout is a member of the world wide family of scouts
  • A Scout has courage in all difficulties
  • A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property
  • A Scout has self-respect and respect for others


The Scout Promise:

  • On my honour, I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to my God and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.


To enhance this and help all our Scouts and Leaders get the most out of our Scout Troop, we have put together the following code of conduct and we ask that members sign that they will abide by the code during Scout meetings and activities. The Code of Conduct has been written and agreed with all Scouts, with the assistance and guidance of the Leaders. It is reviewed annually.


Code of Conduct:

  • Listen to leader’s explanations
  • Contribute to activities to the best of your ability
  • Respect all others (Scouts, Leaders and visitors)
  • No bullying of ANY kind
  • Always be polite and courteous
  • Duty Patrol duties: Flag break/Ceremonial duties
  • Attend regularly, including weekend events such as St. Georges Day.
  • Full Uniform to be worn every week, unless told otherwise
  • Be punctual



  1. First Verbal Warning
  2. Second Verbal Warning
  3. Asked to leave the room
  4. Phone call to Parent/Guardian
  5. Exclusion from Further Activity